This was the first "super group" to emanate from the NYC garage scene.
These two photos, taken in the winter of '84/'85 are from the band's debut which was at The Dive.
For more photos and history of The Bohemian Bedrocks click here then scroll down.

Bobby Belfiore - singer/rhythm guitar: "I
don't remember the exact date, but I believe it was a Thursday, with The Cheepskates. They graciously allowed us to use
their equipment after their set (our debut.) I know Thursday was The Viper's Cavestomp night, but for some reason
I remember it being a Thursday."

Below are a couple of videos shot at the band's rehearsal
Michael Stark - Editor: Trashbeat
Paul Martin - Guitarist: The Vipers
Charles Billy Harmon - Dive patron
MICHAEL CHANDLER - Singer: The Outta' Place
David John Herrera - Guitar & vocals: The Cheepskates
Peter Landau - Drummer: The Swamp Goblyns
Blair Buscareno - Editor: Teen Scene
John Fay - Guitar & vocals: The Tryfles
Jordan Tarlow - Guitarist: The Outta' Place
The Secret Service
Jeff Cuyubamba - Photographer